

发布时间: 2024-05-17 09:45:47北京青年报社官方账号

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"China has to compromise in some areas, the US will have to compromise on others. What the EU and to some extent Japan are trying to do for the moment is talk to the US, talk to China, so at the end of the day everybody is around the same table."


"China plays a significant role in the peace and security architecture of the United Nations, not only as a permanent member of the Security Council, but also as a significant financial as well as police and troop contributor to UN peacekeeping," said Alexander Zuev, assistant secretary-general for rule of law and security institutions in the UN's Department of Peacekeeping Operations, or DPKO.


"CAR is building a service platform targeting the future 10-year development and tackling the current issues on a big-data basis to better match our supplies and the customers' demands," Lu said.


"China is one of my very old passion. Since I was a student, I was very interested in Chinese culture, Chinese art, Chinese people....so in 1986 I stopped my study in the academy and I decided to move to China for a big trip," said Cimarelli, who now teaches sculpture at the New York Academy of Arts.


"But when prices of companies stop declining and start to rebound, it is a clear sign of bottoming out. As long as these companies are healthy at the financial and operational levels, investors can feel confident to hold a long position on them. In the long run, China's A-share market will pick up slowly but the bullish performance can be expected for about 10 years," he said.


